As another year comes to a close, we wish you and your families a happy holiday season and all the very best for 2017.
Our year end giving appeal focuses this year on raising funds to help prevent the loss to Rhode Island of a number of irreplaceable aircraft and aviation artifacts. Those of you in the local area already know of the closing of the Quonset Air Museum (you can read about it here), which not only threatens the assets of that museum but also RI Aviation Hall of Fame’s aircrafts, which were stored there.
As we continue our efforts to bring the ex-USS JFK to RI, it is critical to do all we can to find another home locally (even if it is temporary) for the storage and security of these aircraft and related memorabilia—as well as to ensure the continuation of RIAHOF’s efforts to preserve the aviation history of the region.
On December 12 we assembled a team of federal, state and local stakeholders to discuss this issue, and it became immediately clear that we needed to raise some immediate funding to keep this mission alive.
Please consider a tax-deductible donation of cash or merchandise (esp. warehouse or storage space, maintenance services, supplies, ANYTHING!) to show your support.
We hope you will include Rhode Island Aviation Hall of Fame in your year-end giving plan.
- To donate now using your Paypal account or Credit Card, please click here (Paypal account IS NOT required).
- If you would prefer to pledge or donate by mail, please click here to download our donation form (Adobe PDF).