Vice Admiral Tuttle’s Speech to JFK Shipmates

On August 21, the night before the keel laying of USS John F Kennedy CVN-79, former CV-67 CO and retired Vice Admiral Jerry O. Tuttle made the following remarks to a gathering of CV-67 veterans. We want to share them with you all. Welcome: Good evening to this awe-inspiring phalanx of our great country –custodians… Continue reading Vice Admiral Tuttle’s Speech to JFK Shipmates

Call for Help: USS JFK Rhode Island Project Looking for Area Reps Nationwide

VADM Herb Browne, Skipper from 1989 to 1990, and his wife Jill (R) speak with JFK sailors at the 2011 reunion. Photo courtesy Bob Haner/USS JFK Association

At the recent reunion held in Norfolk, JFK Project leader Frank Lennon received a warm reception from former crew members eager to learn about progress in our efforts to bring “Big John” to Rhode Island. Many asked what they could do to help bring this dream to fruition. As a first step, we need to… Continue reading Call for Help: USS JFK Rhode Island Project Looking for Area Reps Nationwide