2015 Year-End Project Update & Appeal

In October we were excited to share with you the Letter of Intent we received from the Navy, committing to work with us to achieve our goal of bringing ex-USS John F Kennedy to Narragansett Bay. In that update we cautioned that we still have a number of obstacles to overcome, especially environmental issues related to safely mooring JFK in Coddington Cove.

As you read this letter, we are working with our engineers and technical advisors to develop a pier repair and berthing plan that should pass environmental muster. We have a target date of January 20, 2016 for presenting this preliminary plan to the appropriate authorities for initial review.

As you might imagine, this technical analysis and planning is an expensive process. As you make year-end gifts, we would be very grateful if you include the RI Aviation Hall of Fame/JFK Project in your plans. We know there are other causes out there vying for your attention;  I can assure you that your gift will be used wisely and immediately to keep the Project on track. We are a registered nonprofit organization, and your donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. You may donate online (or print a form) simply and securely at https://www.ussjfkri.org/donate/.

Also, remembering us in your will is a simple and meaningful way to help our cause, and potentially reduce your taxes at the same time. If you would consider a bequest, please mention so in the notes (when donating online), mark the appropriate box on the attached form (when donating by mail), or by calling 401-831-8696.

Few giving opportunities afford the donor a greater or more immediate impact. By making a year-end donation, you will be able to proudly say, “I helped put a symbol of our Navy back to work for her country.”

On behalf of all of the people who have been working to bring JFK to RI, may we extend our wishes to you and your family for a very happy holiday season and all the best for the New Year.


Frank Lennon


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